Presented on Optimal Allocation Of The University Shuttle Terminals Using Genetic Algorithm.
Conference proceedings talk on scientific computing and industrial modeling, National Institute of Mathematical Sciences (NIMS) Conference, Kumasi, Ghana
Optimal allocation of shuttle terminals is a crucial problem encountered in setting up a university shuttle system. Determining the required number of terminals to set up a shuttle system is obviously a factor that can not be ignored for the system to run efficiently. The design to obtain this required terminals is a special type of facility location problem classified as NP-hard problems. On the other hand Genetic Algorithm (GA) is a meta-heuristic optimization technique which works based on evolutionary principle of natural selection. The Genetic Algorithm is helpful in finding solutions to such facility location problems. In this paper, we first state this facility location problem as a mixed integer programming (MIP) problem. Furthermore, we encode all the possible terminal locations as a set of combinations of candidate terminals based on our constraints and specifically formulate the problem as a bus terminal location problem. Finally we use the genetic algorithm to determine the optimal terminal allocations for the University shuttle system.